Students Regulations & Dress Code

This Code is made in accordance with Regulation 57 of the IFM Student Regulations 2013 to provide guidelines on the appropriate dress code and conduct to be observed by all students of the Institute when on the Institute’s premises or when attending any official functions organized by IFM or in which the Institute is involved.



  1. Every student is required to display their Identity Card when attending or when present in the vicinity of the Institute's Administrative offices including lecture halls, theatres, rooms and library.
  2. Neat, Decent and well covered formals and semi-formals.
  3. Clean shave and well-groomed hair is a must.
  4. Jeans without holes (v) T-shirts or Shirts with full or half Sleeve.
  5. Skirts which flow well below knees



A. Female Dressing Unacceptable clothes for women include:

  1. Transparent dresses of any kind which is not supported by a reasonably heavy underskirt.
  2. Gowns and skirts hanging above the knees and thus do not cover the knees when seated.
  3. Sleeveless blouses, backless blouses or dresses.
  4. Any type of dress that cover the entire face (nikabs), when in class, library, examination rooms, computer lab or other places where the identity of the student is required.
  5. Dresses exposing stomach, breasts, waist, thighs and such other clothes as tops, low cuts, pants of all kinds.
  6. All kinds of shorts should not be worn.
  7. All kinds of shorts should not be worn.
  8. Clothes with inappropriate or unsuitable graphics/slogans or obscene/abusive language.
  9. Tightly fitting clothes and skin tights.
  10. Pajamas, flip flops or slippers in classes, library and offices.
  11. Gowns and skirts hanging above the knees.
  12. Clothes with slits above the knees.
  13. Hats or caps worn back ward.
  14. Over-adornment with neck-laces, bangles, earrings or other jewelry and make-up which make someone look showy.


B. Male Dressing Prohibited men's wear include

  1. Slovenly looking clothes such as 'mlegezo' trousers and shorts which also show the underwear.
  2. All kinds of shorts or cut-offs.
  3. Un-buttoned shirts and sleeveless shirts.
  4. Clothing that reveals the torso.
  5. Head stockings, caps (other than religious head wear eg. the Muslim cap) hoods and bandannas worn round the head.
  6. Men should not plait nor wear plaited hair, dread-locks, and ornamental beads.
  7. Turbans worn alone or over caps. viii. Ear rings ix. Jeans with holes, three fourth trousers, half trousers, track suits


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